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About Dr. Courtney

Some Topics We Cover
Friendship + Social Skills
Discipline + Behavior
Stress Management
Technology + Screentime
Sports Performance
Building Resilience
Communication (Grief/Loss, Puberty)
Meeting Developmental Milestones
School Readiness/Academic Consultation
Pyschoeducational Assessment Reviews
Courtney Bolton Ph.D. is a psychologist with a focus on strengths-based intervention and the founder of Veer, a parent mental health platform serving working parents. She has worked with individuals, parents, families, corporations and school districts for more than a decade to help ensure her clients thrive in their home, work, and school environments.
Dr. Bolton earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and English from Vanderbilt University and completed her doctorate in counseling, clinical, and school psychology from the University of California, Santa Barbara. She completed her internship at the Help Group, a community mental health center and the largest non-public school system in California, and with The Help Group-UCLA Autism Research Alliance and UCLA Neuropsych Clinic. She served as a postdoctoral fellow and clinical instructor at UCLA in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences where she conducted research, mentored graduate and undergraduate students and provided therapeutic services. During her time at UCLA, she worked in the Center for Autism Research and Treatment as a member of the UCLA PEERS team and served as a fellow in the Tarjan Center, the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.
Prior to working at UCLA, Dr. Bolton trained at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and Colorado Children’s Hospital. She has published papers and articles on child development, educational readiness and resilience and has been a key note lecturer on building friendship skills, belonging, performance, and stress management.
Dr. Bolton is a mom of four, avid coffee drinker, bibliophile, and loves spending time outside year round.
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